当前位置: 首页 > 过刊浏览 > 2009年第1期 >


关键词:   人工林 林分结构 林分改造
Structural Characteristics of the Three Forest Plantation and the Strategies for Forest Rehabilitation
Based on field surveys in Dalingshan, Dongguan, structural characteristics of the three types of forest plantations, i.e., Eucalyptus, Pinus massoniana, and Acacia mangium plantations, were analyzed and the strategies for forest rehabilitation were put forward. The density of individuals (DBH≥3cm) is 1268 stems hm-2, 2232 stems hm-2, 1524 stems hm-2 in the three plantations, respectively. Number of stems decreased with the increase of DBH. The frequency classes of species in the three communities were A>B>C>D=E=0. The vertical spatial structures of the three plantations showed obvious stratification, with rich understory, interlayer, and sub-layer plant species. With the exception of herbaceous layer, the Shannon-Weiner diversity index and evenness index of arborous layer, shrub layer, and interlayer were close to each other. These results were consistent with those from evergreen broadleaved forests. Stand structure characteristics showed the three plantations experienced little disturbance, indicating significant effects of stand improvement. In light of forest succession, these forest plantations with stand improvement measures showed a trend of development to the zonal subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest.
Key words:   forest plantation structural characteristics forest rehabilitation