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来自广东省龙山林场杉木第二代种子园的39个自由授粉家系参加了1998年多点子代测定和2001年单点子代测定试验,结果表明:11年生子代测定林的树高、胸径、单株材积在家系和地点间差异达到极显著水平(P <0.01),8年生子代测定林生长性状的差异较小;家系平均树高、胸径、材积遗传力分别为0.24、0.26、0.30,主要生长性状受中等偏下的遗传力控制;第二代种子园材积遗传增益在1.88%~5.85%间,其遗传增益和现实增产效果高于1.5代种子园,也高于初级种子园。对11年生多点子代测定林家系进行了丰产性稳定性分析,选择出广谱丰产稳定家系5、8、17、19、23、26、28号,平均单株材积比群体均值提高3.39%;丰产家系3、7、15、21号和家系20、22、25号,分别适合龙山林场和曲江林场及相似立地条件地区限制性推广利用,平均单株材积比群体均值分别提高9.91%和4.89%;8年生单点子代测定林,以单株材积高于群体均值作为入选标准,有1、2、4、6、7、8、10、11、12、14、15、19等12个家系入选,平均单株材积比群体均值提高6.76%。
关键词:   杉木;第二代种子园;子代;增益;丰产稳定性分析;选择
Study on 美高梅 variations of progenies from the second-generation seed orchard and selection of superior families of Cunninghamia lanceolata(Lamb.)Hook.
39 open-pollinated progenies of Cunninghamia lanceolata from the second-generation seed orchard of Guangdong Longshan Forest Farm were used for progeny test in 1998 and 2001. The main results were summarized as follows: There were very significant differences (P <0.01) among families and sites in height, DBH and single stem volume in eleven-year progeny test plantations, there were little differences of growth traits in eight-year progeny test plantation; the family heritabilities of height, DBH and single stem volume were 0.24、0.26 and 0.30 respectively, which were considered as on comparatively low level; the stem volume 美高梅 gain of second-generation seed orchard was 1.88%~5.85%,the 美高梅 and actual gain was better than primary seed orchard. High-yield and stability analysis was carried out among eleven-year progeny test plantations in all sites, the families 5、8、17、19、23、26、28 were selected as steady and high-yield families whose average single stem volume was 3.39% more than the population’s; the families 3、7、15、21 and 20、22、25 were high-yield families which can be developed in the areas with ecotype like Longshan Forest Farm of Qujiang Forest Farm respectively, the average single stem volume was 9.91% and 4.89% more than the population’s; in eleven -year progeny test plantation, the average single of the families 1、2、4、6、7、8、10、11、12、14、15、19 was 6.76% more than the population’s.
Key words:   Cunninghamia lanceolata; second-generation seed orchard; progeny; gain; High-yield and stability analysis; selection