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将采自广东的278个黎蒴优树家系种植在广东东江林场和梅南林场,进行半同胞子代测定。造林5年后,对参试家系的3个主要生长性状进行调查分析。黎蒴家系树高、胸径和材积存在显著差异,遗传变异系数在13.60% 至67.13%之间,且变异主要受遗传控制,其家系遗传力分别为0.511-0.543,0.585-0.736和0.469-0.717;相关性分析发现,材积生长量主要受胸径影响,其相关系数大于0.82。在10-30%入选条件下,各生长性状均具有较高的遗传增益,其中材积遗传增益>胸径遗传增益>树高遗传增益。采用育种值评估法与综合指数法共选出优良家系36个、优良单株36株;上述研究结果为进一步开展黎蒴选育和遗传分析奠定了坚实基础。
关键词:   黎蒴 优树 家系 子代测定 遗传分析
基金项目:“十一五”国家林业局林业科学技术研究项目“南方重要乡土阔叶树种良种选育与区域试验” (2006-34),广东省科技厅农业攻关项目“广东重要乡土阔叶树种遗传改良与繁育技术研究”(2004B20801017),广东省林业科技计划项目“短轮伐期速生乡土阔叶树种黧蒴栲良种选育与开发利用研究”(2004-30),广东省科技厅农业攻关项目“短轮伐期速生乡土阔叶树种黎蒴良种选育”(2008B020300004),广东林业科技创新专项“优良乡土阔叶树种良种选育与高效栽培技术”(2009KJCX001-01)
Test of Half-Sib Progenies from Plus Trees of Native Fast Growing Castanopsis fissa
A total of 278 superior half-sib families of Castanopsis fissa were collected from Guangdong province, and planted in Dongjiang Forest Farm and Meinan Forest Farm for the progeny test. Five years later, three main growth traits were investigated on these testing trees. Significant differences were observed in height, diameter-at-breast-height (DBH) and individual volume with a 美高梅 parameter ranging from 13.60% to 67.13%. These 美高梅 variations were mainly under the 美高梅 control, and their heritability of these three traits was 0.511-0.543, 0.585-0.736, and 0.469-0.717, respectively. Correlation analysis revealed that the individual volume was predominantly determined by the DBH with a correlation coefficient > 0.82. At the selection proportion of 10-30%, the selected trees displayed high 美高梅 gains for above three growth traits, and the order was individual volume gains > DBH > height gains. A selection based on breeding value and selection indexes screened out a total of 36 superior families and 36 plus individuals. Our results laid solid foundation for further selection, breeding and 美高梅 analysis of Castanopsis fissa in future.
Key words:   Castanopsis fissa, plus tree, family, progeny test, 美高梅 analysis