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季风常绿阔叶林是南亚热带的地带性植被类型,经采伐干扰和人工造林后形成大面积的次生林。参照CTFS(Center for tropical forest science)样地建设技术规范,于2006年在广东粤西马尾松针阔次生林建立2 hm2固定监测样地。在对样地进行调查的基础上,分析了林下植被的物种组成与多样性。结果表明:(1)样地共有维管束植物207种,隶属于79科143属,数量优势科为茜草科、大戟科、樟科、番荔枝科、紫金牛科、禾本科和蔷薇科;单种属植物较多(101属),占总属数的70%。林下植物泛热带和热带亚洲成分占绝对优势,具有南亚热带向中亚热带过渡的特征。(2)物种的丰富度指数和均匀度指数表现出乔木幼苗>灌木层>藤本层>草本层;Shannon-Wiener指数表现出乔木幼苗>藤本层>灌木层>草本层;Simpson指数则为乔木幼苗>藤本层>草本层>灌木层。(3)种-面积曲线和指数模型估算林下植被总物种数为jack1=253.8,jack2=283.5,相对的最小面积则为6.92 hm2和14.55 hm2。
关键词:   粤西 马尾松 次生针阔混交林 林下植被 生物多样性 物种组成
Species Composition and Diversity of Understory Vegetation in Secondary Conifer and Broadleaf Mixed Forest in Western Guangdong Province
The monsoon evergreen broadleaved forest was the typical vegetations in subtropical South Asia,and was partly destroyed by large-scale industrial logging at the turn of the 20th century and replaced by secondary forests an plantations. A long-term 2 hm2 forest plots were established in secondary coniferous and broadleaf forest in western Guangdong following the protocols of the Center for Tropical Forest Science forest dynamic plot. Based on the sample plot investigation, we discussed the species composition and diversity. The result was:(1)There were 207 species of vascular plants belonging to 79 families and 143 genera. The dominant families of community are Rubiaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Annonaceae, Myrsinaceae, Gramineae, Rosaceae. The monotypic genera are many, 101 kinds, accounting for 70% of the total number. Most of the floristic elements at the familial and generic level are Pan-tropical and tropical-Asia areal types, which show some transition character of southern and mid-suhtropical elements. (2)the order of R and E was arbor seeding> shrub> liana > herb, the sequence of H´ was arbor seeding> liana > shrub> herb, and D ranked from high to low was arbor seeding> shrub> herb> liana. (3) the species of undergrowth including arbor seeding, liana, shrub and herb was jack1=253.8,jack2=283.5, and the minimum sampling areas was 6.92 hm2 and 14.55 hm2 estimated by species-area curve and exponential model.
Key words:   species composition, species diversity, understory vegetation, secondary conifer and broadleaf mixed forest, Western Guangdong Province