当前位置: 首页 > 过刊浏览 > 2011年第1期 >


关键词:   茂名小良;桉树;营养元素
Determination of Nutrient Elements of Eucalyptus in Xiaoliang,Maoming,Guangdong
To study the chemical composition of eucalyptus from Xiaoliang station of water and soil conservation,Maoming. 8 nutrient elements from 5 eucalyptus were determined, among which, K,Ca,Mg,Cu,Fe,Mn and Zn were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry, P by ammonium molybdate spectrometry. The results showed that the contents of four macronutrients including P,K,Ca and Mg present K>Ca>Mg>P in the same organs of the same species. Among the four micronutrients, the content of Mn is the highest and Cu is the lowest. Contents of the four macroelements are the highest in leaves, secondary in branches, the lowest in trunk and root. However, contents of the four microelements present no consistent law in different organs in the same species. The law between contents of nutrient elements from different eucalyptus is not consistent with each other generally.
Key words:   Xiaoliang, Maoming, eucalyptus, nutrient element