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关键词:   校园植物〓地理成分〓分布来源〓园林绿化
A Study of Floristic Geographical Element on Campus and Its Afforestation =Significance——An Example from the Afforestaion of =South China Agricultural University
There are 223 species (including subspecies and varieties) of plants on the South China Agricultural University campus, belonging to 62 families and 166 genera. Our study of the floristic geographical elements on campus showed that the plants have clear tropical characteristics, with 80.00% of the plants on campus belonging to tropical families, and 80.12% of the latter belonging to tropical genera. Of these, the families (35) and genera belonging to pantropical plants comprise the highest proportion, at 63.64% of the families and 19.88% of the genera. These results demonstrate that, in accordance with the southern tropical monsoon climate of Guangzhou, the dominant floristic geographical elements on the SCAU campus are tropical and subtropical. Of the plants on campus, 128 species were Chinese species, accounting for 57.4% of the total, of which 102 species were distributed in the Lingnan area (accounting for 45.74% of the total). Furthermore, 95 species were alien species, accounting for 42.6% of the total, a proportion close to the percentage of Lingnan local plants. These alien species are widely used in afforestation on campus, weakening the Lingnan landscape characteristics and causing some problems in landscape management. Thus, we propose that more Lingnan local species be used in the landscaping of the campus.
Key words:   plants on campus, geographical element, distribution, afforestation