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通过对深圳市宝安区大浪街道公共绿地土壤的物理性状、有机质及养分含量等进行调查分析,结果表明:(1)该区域内的公共绿地土壤多呈砂质,土壤石砾、土壤容重和总孔隙度平均含量分别为44.20%、1.50 g/cm3、39.64%,表明土壤保水保肥能力低。(2)土壤有机质、全氮、水解性氮、全磷、有效磷、全钾平均值分别为5.70 g/kg、0.32 g/kg、17.60 mg/kg、0.26 g/kg、1.70 mg/kg、11.90 g/kg,表明土壤肥力偏低。(3)土壤pH值在6.00~7.72之间,酸碱度适宜;土壤中可溶性盐含量即EC值均在0.2 ms/cm以下,含盐量低,不会对植物造成盐害。建议选择未受到污染的壤质自然土壤,逐年对现有绿地土壤进行补充或更换;城市绿地土壤肥力的改良应以有机肥为主,无机化肥为辅。
关键词:   公共绿地〓土壤理化性状〓土壤改良
Soil Fertility Properties of the Public Urban Green Lands in =Dalang Subdistrict, Shenzhen City
The soil physical properties, organic matter and nutrients were investigated in Dalang subdistrict, Bao′an district, Shenzhen city. The results showed that (1) the soil in these area was sandy. The rock fragments content, soil bulk density and total soil porosity were 44.20%、1.50 g/cm3、39.64%, respectively. The capability of preserving water and fertilizer of soil was weak. (2) The content of soil organic matter, total nitrogen, hydrolysis nitrogen, total phosphorus, readily available phosphorus and total potassium, were 5.70 g/kg、0.32 g/kg、17.60 mg/kg、0.26 g/kg、1.70 mg/kg、11.90 g/kg respectively. The soil fertility was low. (3) The soil pH was between 6.00 and 7.72. The EC value was below 0.2 ms/cm. the level of the soil pH and EC were suitable to the plant growth. It was suggested that the nonpollution natural soil was selected to replenish or replace the soil of urban green land step by step. The improvement of soil fertility had better apply the organic fertilizer mainly, and the inorganic fertilizer supplemented.
Key words:   public urban green land, soil physical and chemical properties, soil improvement