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在含土沉香的广州市萝岗区风水林(村边次生常绿阔叶林)设样方进行调查,分析其组成和结构特征。在800 m2样地内有维管植物70种,隶属于39科60属,以热带分布科和属占优势;优势科有茜草科、樟科和大戟科等,群落成层现象明显,可分为乔木层(3个亚层)、灌木层和草本层3个层次,层间植物丰富。乔木层第1亚层木荷重要值最大,黄果厚壳桂次之,该群落命名为木荷+黄果厚壳桂+黄杞群落(Schima superba+Cryptocarya concinna+Engelhardtia roxburghiana Community)。生活型以中、小高位芽为主,叶型以中、小革质单叶为主;种群频度分布规律为A>B>C>E,属于A 级的种类占优势;土沉香(Aquilaria sinensis)以小径级为主,只要环境合适,自身具有较强的更新能力;样方内部分植株侧根或树枝遭人为砍伐,树干被砍伤,严重影响植株生长。土沉香是广东省地道药材的“十大广药”之一,建议在广州市有野生土沉香生长的植物群落,设立自然保护小区进行保护。
关键词:   土沉香〓群落学特征〓保护〓珍稀濒危植物
The Community Characteristics and Conservation of Geomantic =Forest Including Aquilaria Sinensis in Guangzhou
An investigation was conducted in an 800 m2 community plot of the geomantic forest (i.e., evergreen broadleaved secondary forest around village) including Aquilaria sinensis (Lour.) Gilg. in Luogang, Guangzhou, South China. A total of 70 species of vascular plants were found, and subordinated to 39 families and 60 genera. The dominant plants were tropical genera and tropical families. According to tree height, number and importance value, this geomantic forest was named as Schima superba+Cryptocarya concinna+Engelhardtia roxburghiana community. It was vertically divided into three layers: tree layer (including 3 sublayers), shrub layer and herb layer. Interlayer plant species were rich. The life forms in the community mainly included mesophanerophytes and microphanerophytes, and the dominant leaf forms were mesophyⅡ and microphyⅡ. The order of population frequency distribution was A>B>C>E, and class A plants accounted for 65.71%. The majority of Aquilaria sinensis in this community was small in diameter class . A. sinensis has been regarded as one of the topten medicinal materials in Guangdong province, but are rare and endangered in the present. Measures should be taken to protect its germplasm resource as soon as possible.
Key words:   Aquilaria sinensis (Lour.) Gilg., community characteristics, conservation, rare and endangered plants