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以彩叶朱蕉优株顶芽和茎段为外植体,设计不同浓度细胞分裂素、生长素以及培养基组合,诱导芽分化、增殖和生根。MS+ 6BA 3.0 mg/L+NAA 0.01 mg/L+蔗糖30 g/L培养基适用于诱导芽的形成,3/4MS+6BA 2.0 mg/L+NAA 0.01 mg/L+蔗糖30 g/L培养基适用于芽的增殖,3/4MS+6BA 0.5 mg/L+ NAA 0.01 mg/L+蔗糖30 g/L培养基适用于壮芽伸长,1/2MS+ NAA 1.0 mg/L+蔗糖15 g/L适用于诱导芽生根;在试管苗移栽阶段,选用泥炭土、椰糠和珍珠岩混合基质,于晚春和秋天移栽,移栽成活率达到90%左右,达到了工厂化苗木生产的要求。
关键词:   彩叶茱蕉(Cordyline terminalis ‘Rubra’ ) 组织培养 培养基
Study on Tissue Culture Propagation Technology of Cordyline terminalis "Rubra"
By taking the apical buds and stem as explants material from the superior single plant of Cordyline terminalis, different concentrations of cytokinin, auxin, various combination of culture medium during each tissue culture experiment stage was analyzed by comparison. It was indicated that the optimum media for tissue culture of C. terminalis "Rubra" were as follows: (1)Adventitious bun inducing medium: MS+6BA 3.0 mg/L+NAA 0.01 mg/L+30 g/Lsucrose; (2)Bud proliferation medium: 3/4MS+6BA 2.0 mg/L+NAA 0.01 mg/L+30 g/Lsucrose; (3)Bud strengthened medium: 3/4MS+6BA 0.5 mg/L+NAA 0.01 mg/L+30 g/Lsucrose; (4) Rooting medium: 1/2MS+ NAA 1.0 mg/L+15 g/Lsucrose. The application of compoud dmedium of peat soil, coconut husk, and perlite powder in tub seedling transplant, in late spring and autum will make the transplant surviable ratio come to about 90% that is up to the deamand of the seedlings industrial production.
Key words:   Cordyline terminalis "Rubra", tissue culture, medium