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对种植于广东省湛江市遂溪县林业试验场的5.5年生湿加松子代测定林和产量表证试验林进行了生长调查和数据统计分析,结果表明:在子代测定林中,湿加松的树高、胸径年均生长量分别为1.46 m、2.28 cm,生长量明显大于省内其它地区试验林的水平,表明湿加松在当地有较大的生产潜力;经方差分析和多重比较筛选出生长优势突出的F1杂交组合6个,其相对于本种加勒比松(PCC)的材积增益介于72.49%~133.74%。这6个杂交组合分属于湿加松的3种杂种类型,即EB、EC、EH类型,初步表明,在这3种杂种类型中,均可选育出适合于湛江地区生长的优良杂种;来自澳大利亚湿加松种子园的混合子代(杂种F2),在本试验林中生长表现中等,2个F2种批相对于PCC的材积增益分别为65.87%和72.91%;综合分析两块试验林的数据发现,在评价参试杂交组合的生长量相对大小方面,不论是采用小小区、多重复的子代测定,还是采用大小区的产量表证试验,获得的结果基本一致。但是,根据子代测定林的数据预测优良杂种的增产潜力,预测值比实际值偏大。文中对这一现象进行了讨论。
关键词:   湿加松〓杂种优势〓生长性状
Primary Study on Growth Performance of Slash Pine × Caribbean Pine =in Zhanjiang, Guangdong, China
One progeny test of Slash pine×Caribbean pine hybrid was established in Suixi Forest Experiment Farm(21°13′N,110°15′E) in June, 2003. The field experiment was a randomized complete block design with 8 blocks and 5 trees in each plot. Demonstration plantation of hybrids for yield testing was installed near the progeny test at the same time. Larger plot was applied in the yield test. The maximum plot included 170 individuals, and the minimum plot had only 17 trees, because the families or checklot had different number of tree. Results from the progeny test planted after 5.5 year showed that the mean annual height and DBH of hybrids were 1.46 m and 2.28 cm, respectively. Hybrids grew better in this site than in other sites in Guangdong, which implied that hybrids could produce more yield in this area. 6 hybrid families from PEE×PCB, PEE×PCC, and PEE×PCH were selected for their greater height and volume increment. The volume gains of these selected families were from 72.49%~133.74%, compared to PCC. Two seedlots of hybrid F2 had medium growth increment in the test, their volume gains were 65.87% and 72.91%, respectively. Data from progeny test and yield test could get similar result for ranking hybrids and checklots according to their growth performance. However, it was found that the expected gains of superior families in the progeny test could be larger than the real gains for growth traits. And this result was discussed in the paper.
Key words:   Slash pine×Caribbean pine hybrid, heterosis, growth trait