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对广东省东莞市大岭山森林公园低效相思类林分进行改造,4.5 a生时采用样方法进行林分生态效益和景观效益的调查。结果表明:(1)选用的红锥、樟树、山苍子等几个树种生长表现最好,高、径生长都较快,其中红锥、樟树的表现尤其优秀;(2)改造后的林分草本层物种达到了3.8~9.4种,平均为6.33种;多样性指数为0.80~1.92,平均为1.39;均匀度指数为0.61~0.87,平均为0.77;生态优势度0.30~0.58,平均为0.35,林分整体生物多样性较好;(3) 林地表层土壤(0~25 cm)疏松,持水能力较强。林分最大持水深15 mm,其中林地土壤占98.24%。(4)在相思林下用2年生苗木进行套种改造,采用较高的造林措施,可以在2~3年内形成景观效果,林分复层林冠基本成型,林相有初步的季节变化。
关键词:   林分改造〓造林树种〓林下植被〓物种多样性〓土壤持水能力〓景观
Research on Effect of Stand Restructuring of Ecological =Landscape Forest in Dongguan, South China
Reestabilement experimient was carride out in Acacia stand of Da Ling Shan Forest Park, Dongguan . Sampling methods was used for forest ecological and landscape benefits investigation after 4.5 years. The results showed that: (1) Castanopsis hystrix、Cinnamomum camphora and Litsea cubeba have best growth performance of several tree species in height and diameter. Castanopsis hystrix and Cinnamomum camphora are espically suitable for extend in south area of China; (2) The forest subspecies of herbaceous layer reached 3.8 to 9.4 species, with average of 6.33 species; diversity index was 0.80 to 1.92, average of 1.39; uniformity index was 0.61 to 0.87, average of 0.77; Ecological dominance was from 0.30 to 0.58, with average of 0.35, which indicated that the stand have good overall biological diversity; (3) Forest surface soil (0~25 cm) are loose, the waterholding capacity is high with maximum of 15 mm, which accounted for 98.24% forest soil; (4) Using 2 years old seedlings to reestabilshed the Acacia stand, a appreciatable forest landscape can be formed in 2 to 3 years only with high afforestation measure, stratified forest crown and seasonal variation are preliminary appear.
Key words:   stand restructuring, tree species, understorey, species diversity, soil water holding, forest landscape