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王玥, 谭锦豪, 王冉, 罗晓茼, 苏艳, 李吉跃, 何茜
华南农业大学 林学与风景园林学院
通过实地调查与植物鉴定,对广州市龙洞水库红锥(Castanopsis hystrix)人工林林下药用植物 资源进行统计分析。结果表明水库红锥人工林工区共有林下药用植物 102 种,隶属 52 科 86 属;其中林 下蕨类药用植物 7 科 7 属 7 种,林下双子叶药用植物 38 科 69 属 85 种,单子叶林下药用植物 7 科 10 属 10 种。建议选择适宜的人工林地,以耕代抚发展林下药用植物栽培;同时合理开发利用野生林下药用植 物资源,严禁掠夺式采摘;并且鼓励当地主管部门、经营主体或社会组织加大对周边群众及游客的宣传 教育,提高人们的环保意识,增强其可持续发展概念。
关键词:   广州;龙洞水库;红锥林;林下药用植物
Investigation of Understory Medicinal Plant Resources in the Castanopsis hystrix Plantation of Longdong Reservoir, Guangzhou
WANG Yue, TAN Jinhao, WANG Ran, LUO Xiaotong, SU Yan, LI Jiyue, HE Qian
College of Forestry and Landscape Architecture,South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou
According to the field investigation and plant identification, a total of 102 species of understory medicinal plants from 82 genera belonging to 52 families were found in the Castanopsis hystrix Miq. Plantation of Longdong reservoir of Guangzhou. which included 7 species, 7 genera and 7 families of ferns; 10 species, 10 genera and 7 families of Monocotyledoneae; 85 species, 69 genera and 38 families of Dicotyledoneae. It is suggested to select suitable artificial forestland to cultivate the medicinal plants under the forest. At the same time, rational development and utilization of wild understory medicinal plant resources, prohibit destructive picking; In addition, local authorities, business entities or social organizations are encouraged to strengthen the publicity and education of surrounding people and tourists, so as to raise people’s awareness of environmental protection and enhance the concept of sustainable development.
Key words:   Guangzhou; Longdong reservoir; Castanopsis hystrix plantation; understory medicinal plant