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王健恩, 王佳嵩, 郭敏, 张沐锋, 张翔鹭, 许铭宇, 周胜, 陈平
为了解广州地区地被植物的应用情况,文章以广州市区内 10 个规模较大、管理养护水平较高的城市公园为研究对象,对其公园内的地被植物资源的种类、应用频度、应用方式进行统计与记录。广州市公园绿地常应用地被植物共 102 种,隶属于 53 科,地被植物种类拥有较高丰富度,总结了广州市公园绿地地被植物应用类型,分析目前存在的问题,并提出注重华南乡土地被植物的开发与推广应用建议。
关键词:   广州公园;地被植物;应用形式
Investigation on the Ground Cover Plant Application in Parks of Guangzhou City
WANG Jianen, WANG Jiasong, GUO Min, ZHANG Mufeng, ZHANG Xianglu, XU Mingyu, ZHOU Sheng, CHEN Ping
Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering,Guangzhou
In order to understand the application of ground cover plants in the Guangzhou area, 10 large parks with high level management and conservation in the urban area of Guangzhou were selected as the research objects. The types and application of ground cover plants in the park are studied to statistic and record the types, applied frequency, and application methods of ground cover plant resources in these parks. According to the result, there are 102 types of ground cover plants used in parks and green spaces in Guangzhou, belonging to 53 families. The types of ground cover plants have a high degree of abundance. The paper summarized the types of ground cover plants used in parks in Guangzhou and the existing problems, and made suggestions on the development and application of land cover plants in south China areas.
Key words:   Guangzhou parks;ground cover plants;application