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自然保护区林业资源利用方式的最优选择 ——以四川卧龙国家级自然保护区为例

于博洋1, 李明川1, 高岚1, 何廷美2, 倪兴怀3, 格桑格玛3
关键词:   自然保护区;林业资源利用;参与式情境;多属性决策
The Optimal Choice of Forest Resources Utilization in Nature Reserve——Sichuan Wolong National Natural Reserve as An Example
yuboyang1, limingchuan1, gaolan1, He Tingmei2, Ni Xinghuai3, GeSanggema3
1.South China Agricultural University;2.Sichuan Wolong National Natural Reserve Administration;3.Sichuan Wenchuan Wolong Special Administrative Region
At present, the most important problem in the development of nature reserves lies in the conflict between farmers’ development and ecological protection. Choosing the best way to utilize the forest resources in the nature reserve is an important way to alleviate the conflict. Through interviews with stakeholders of forestry resource utilization in Wolong nature reserve, using the method of participatory scenario construction, then summarizing the optimal situation of utilization of forestry resources selected by stakeholders, and considering behavioral preference in the multi-attribute decision theory to make the results more feasible and reasonable. At last, the result shows the stakeholders more inclined to use forestry resources in an economically dominant way, which takes improving the utilization of forestry resources, providing relevant government support policies, developing forestry industry and promoting the development of ecotourism and other tertiary industries as important approaches for local farmers to utilize forestry resources in the future development mode, then providing corresponding suggestions and improvement methods.
Key words:   nature reserve; forestry resource utilization; participatory scenario; multi-attribute decision theory