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汤聪1, 梁韩枝2, 黄嘉琦2, 谭嘉川2, 胡秀*2
1.广州建筑园林股份有限公司,广东 广州;2.仲恺农业工程学院,广东 广州
在鱼木属植物中首次采用根段扦插后萌发的半木质化茎段为外植体,以MS 为基本培养基,对 诱导阶段、增殖阶段、生根阶段等进行研究,得出适宜的诱导培养基为:MS+ BA 0.5 mg · L-1+ NAA 0.1 mg · L-1 + TDZ 0.1 mg · L-1,30 d 的平均诱导率为100%,增殖系数为4.11。增殖阶段适宜的培养基为: MS+ BA 0.5 mg · L-1 + NAA 0.1 mg · L-1。生根阶段:无菌的半木质化苗转接于1/2 MS+ IBA 1.5 mg · L-1 的 培养基培养40 d 后生根率与生根系数分别为92% 与6.3;以泥炭土与细沙(V:V=2:1)为基质,炼苗、移 栽30 d 后,成活率达100%。研究采用的外植体来源丰富、不受季节限制、无菌处理简单,增殖率高且可 进行持续增殖,生根率和生根质量高,为鱼木的规模化栽培所需种苗提供了一种新的有效的繁殖途径。
关键词:   鱼木;丛生芽;组织培养
In Vitro Rapid Propagation of -An Excellent Native Flowering Tree for Crateva formosensis
TANG Cong1, LIANG Han-zhi2, HUANG Jia-qi2, TAN Jia-chuan2, HU Xiu2
1.Guangzhou Landscape Architecture co LTD,Guangzhou;2.College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture,Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering
It was the first time to use semi-lignified stem segment after root cutting as explants in Crateva, MS as the basic medium, studying on the induction stage, multiplicative stage and rooting stage, the appropriate induction medium was MS+ BA 0.5 mg · L-1+ NAA 0.1 mg · L-1 + TDZ 0.1 mg · L-1, the rate of induced auxiliary reached 100% and the multiplication coefficient of shoots was 4.11 after 30 days. The best proliferation medium was MS+ BA 0.5 mg · L-1+ NAA 0.1 mg · L-1. The strong shoots could form roots on the 1/2MS medium supplemented with 1.5mg · L-1 IBA, the rooting rate and the number of root per plantlet was 92% and 6.3 after 40 days. When plantlet transplanted into a mixture of peat soil and sand (2:1, v/v), the survival rates could reached 100% after 30 days. The base of segment could produce abundant undifferentiated callus and was free from seasonal restrictions, It was simple aseptic treatment with high rate of continuous proliferation and high rooting rate and quality. Therefore, this experiment established a rapidly propagative system for Crateva formosensis for large-scale cultivation.kept very high efficiency of proliferation, rooting and survival. Therefore, this experiment established a rapidly propagative system for C religiosa shoot organogenesis vis aseptic stem segments, which might provided a new effective pathway for the breeding of seeding.
Key words:   Crateva formosensis ; multiple shoots; tissue culture