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林国胜1, 朱帅群1, 包以秋1, 刘凰英1, 裘珍飞2
造林6 个月后追施不同用量N 肥和NPK 配比复合肥, 测量1 年生黑木相思Acacia melanoxylon 生长和形质指标、分析施肥效果,旨在为幼林的科学抚育管理提供参考。结果表明:追肥显 著促进了幼林冠幅和大分枝数增长,对树高影响不显著。综合比较,纯N 肥效果最好,其次PK 肥,再 次为NPK 肥。纯N 肥中,100 g/ 株用量可显著提高树高、胸径等生长;随着N 肥用量的增大,树高1.0- 1.5 m 区域的大分枝分布概率增大;叶片中N 含量与树高和胸径, P 含量与胸径和枝下高具有显著正相关。 因此追肥有利于促进黑木相思幼林生长,加速郁闭,同时需要及时干预粗大分枝的竞争。
关键词:   黑木相思;追肥;生长;形质性状
Effect of Fertilization Application on Growth and Form Traits in Young Forest of Acacia melanoxylon
LIN Guosheng1, ZHU Shuaiqun1, BAO Yiqiu1, LIU Huangying1, QIU Zhenfei2
1.Wengyuan Forestry Bureau;2.Research Institute of Tropical Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry
To provide an efficient plan for one-year-old young forest tending in Acacia melanoxylon, the growth response to fertilize various amount of N or NPK was studied. Nitrogen(N) individual and NPhosphate(P)potassium(K) combined fertilizer application were developed and their important growth traits were profiled after 6 months.The result showed that fertilizer application significantly promoted the increasing of crown breadth and major branches numbers of A. melanoxylon plants. However, it had no obvious effect in tree height. Comprehensive analysis showed that individual N-fertilizer application was better than P and K combined or N/P/K.It was also found that individual application with 100 g urea per plant was suitable to A. melanoxylon growth. Interestingly, with increasing N-fertilizer, more major branches were happened in the region of 1.0-1.5 m high. N content in leaves and tree height and DBH, P content in leaves and DBH and CBH showed positive correlation. In summary, suitable fertilizer is beneficial to promote young forest growth of A. melanoxylon, accelerate the young forest canopy closure. Meanwhile, it is necessary to adjust and treat thick branches promptly.
Key words:   Acacia melanoxylon; fertilization; growth; form traits