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范伟军1, 彭冠明1, 黄婷1, 谭志强1, 欧惠玲1, 毛积鹏2
对来自广东省内7 个种源的30 个猴耳环Archidendron clypearia 家系的种子千粒重及其半年 生实生苗的成活率、苗高和地径性状进行统计分析。结果表明:30 个猴耳环家系的种子总平均千粒重为 754.2 g,半年生实生苗的成活率均在93.30% 以上;家系间苗高性状差异达到极显著水(P<0.001),平 均苗高最大为19.96 cm,最低的只有11.50 cm。家系内个体间苗高也具有较大差异,变异系数最高的可 达38.25%;家系间地径性状的差异也达到极显著水平(P<0.001), 平均地径最大为0.57 cm,最小的只有 0.39 cm 。家系内地径的变异系数最高的达37.74%;各性状间的相关性分析结果表明,地径和苗高极显著 正相关(r2=0.70, P<0.001),地径和苗高与种子千粒重均无显著相关性。
关键词:   猴耳环;家系;苗期生长;相关分析
基金项目:中央财政林业科技推广示范项目(〔2018〕GDTK -14 号)
Analyses for Seedling Growth Traits in Different Families of Archidendron clypearia
FAN Weijun1, PENG Guangming1, HUANG Ting1, TAN Zhiqiang1, OU Huiling1, MAO Jipeng2
1.Taishan Hongling Seed Orchart;2.Taishan Hongling Seed Orchart/Guangdong Key Laboratory for Innovative Development and Utilization of Forest Plant Germplasm,College of Forestry and Landscape Architecture,South China Agricultural University
The survival rate, seedling height and ground diameter of 30 Archidendron clypearia families which from 7 sources in Guangdong province were statistically analyzed. The results showed that the average thousand kernel weight (TKW) of 30 A. clypearia families was 754.2 g, and the survival rate of semi-annual seedlings were above 93.30%. The difference of seedling height traits between families was extremely significant (P<0.001), The average seedling height was 19.96 cm at most and 11.50 cm at the lowest. The height of individual seedlings was also significantly different in the family with the highest coefficient of variation up to 38.25%; The difference of ground diameter traits between families also reached an extremely significant level (P<0.001), The average ground diameter was 0.57 cm at most and 0.39 cm at the lowest. The variation coefficient of the ground diameter in the family was up to 37.74%. Moreover, the correlation analysis between the traits showed that ground diameter and seedling height were significantly positively correlated (r2=0.70, P<0.001), while ground diameter and seedling height were not significantly correlated with TKW.
Key words:   Archidendron clypearia; family; early growth; correlation analysis