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龙脑香科 (Dipterocarpaceae) 是我国濒危植物类群,目前野生群落数量急剧下降。人工混交林 模式是拯救濒危植物的有效途径,但目前有关龙脑香科混交林的技术手段尚不完善。文章以 4 种龙脑香 科树种——望天树 (Parashorea chinenesis)、青梅 (Hopea hainanensis)、坡垒 (Vatica mangachapoi)、具翼龙 脑香 (Dipterocarpus alatus) 作为研究对象,分别与红锥 (Castanoposis hystrix) 和桢楠 (Machilus chinensis) 在相同面积的试验地内进行 1:1 数量的混交种植并对两块试验地进行两年(2018-2019 年)相同的补苗、 人工抚育和追肥措施。研究发现与红锥混交种植的龙脑香科树种的树高和地径值显著高于与桢楠混合种 植的龙脑香科树种。此外,4 个龙脑香科树种的长势差异明显:望天树和青梅的树高和地径在红锥混交林 中皆高于桢楠混交林,而坡垒和具翼龙脑香的树高和地径在两块试验地中差异小。
关键词:   龙脑香科;混交种植;望天树;红锥
The Cultivation Technology of Mixed Afforestation between Dipterocarpaceae and Castanoposis hystrix/Machilus chinensis
liangshiwei1, zhangjianguo1, huangmuqing1, wujinquan1, chenliang1, chengzhipeng1, renjingjing1, liuchunyan1, Hou Chen2, heboxiang3
1.Zhaoqing state-owned Dananshan Forest Farm;2.Alex;3.Guangdong Academy of Forestry
Dipterocarpaceae is an endangered plant group in China with its habitat fragmentation and a sharp decline in the number of wild communities nowadays. Mixed afforestation is regarded as an effective way to save endangered plants, however, the afforestation technology of establishing Dipterocarpaceae forests is still dissatisfactory. In the present study, four Dipterocarpaceae species, i.e. Parashorea chinenesis, Hopea hainanensis, Vatica mangachapoi, Dipterocarpus alatus were cultivated in two identical adjacent plots with the proportion of 1:1 to Castanoposis hystrix and Machilus chinensis, respectively. The two experimental plots were subject to the same treatment of seedling supplement, artifical nourishing and fertilizer supplement for the two years (2018- 2019). It was found that plant heights and ground diameters of the four Dipterocarpaceae species planted with C. hystrix were, in general, significantly higher than those planted with M. chinensis. However, there are significantdifferences in the growth potential of the four species: plant heights and ground diameters of P. chinenesis and V. mangachapoi planted with C. hystrix were significantly higher than those planted with M. chinensis regardless of years. But plant heights and ground diameters of H. hainanensis and D. alatus reveals no sigificant differences in the two experimental plots for the two years.
Key words:   Dipterocarpaceae; mixed afforestation;Parashorea chinenesis;Castanoposis hystrix