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田蜜1,2, 曾祥全1,2, 杜丽敏1, 郭霞1,2, 黄国宁1, 史丹妮1
1.海南省林业科学研究院(海南省红树林研究院);2.海南省热带林业资源监测与应用 重点实验室(筹)
为了研究黑黄檀 Dalbergia fusca 在海南引种的适应性及稳定性,筛选早期生长性状优良的种 源,为后续引种造林提供一定的试验依据。以云南澜沧、景谷、景洪 3 个种源材料,分别在海南海口云 龙、定安龙州、屯昌枫木、乐东尖峰营造试验林,对其 1 年生成活率、地径、株高生长性状进行联合分 析,结果表明,各试验点间的地径、株高均达到极显著水平差异( P < 0.01),地径性状的种源 × 试验点 互作效应明显,株高性状的种源 × 试验点交互作用则较小。引种的黑黄檀在乐东尖峰的生长速度较快, 适应性较强,可作为黑黄檀在海南引种栽培的首选区域。
关键词:   黑黄檀;种源;引种
Testing and Adaptability of Dalbergia fusca at Early Stage from Different Provenances and Its Introduction Performance in Hainan
Hainan Academy of Forestry(Hainan Academy of Mangrove)
In order to study the growth adaptability and stability of Lancang, Jinggu and Jinghong provenance of Dalbergia fusca in different sites in Hainan, the early superior provenance were preliminarily selected to provide certain experimental basis for subsequent introduction and afforestation. In this study, the survival rate, ground diameter and tree height of provenance testing for 1-year-old D. fusca were investigated and analyzed in Yunlong, Longzhou, Fengmu and Jianfeng in Hainan. There were significant provenance variations in ground diameter and tree height of D. fusca within experimental sites(P < 0.01). There were significant differences in the correlation of ground diameter traits among the four site combinations, showed that the interaction effect of provenance × site was obvious. The interaction effect of tree height of provenance × site was not obvious. The average growth rate and adaptation of the introduced provenances in Jianfeng was the best, so it could be used as the excellent area for introduction and cultivation of D. fusca in Hainan.
Key words:   Dalbergia fusca; provenance; introduction