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不同类型森林小镇的规划与建设实践研究 ——以佛山市南海区为例

陈星澄, 赵庆, 钱万惠, 胡柔璇
以广东省佛山市南海区西樵生态旅游型森林小镇、里水休闲宜居型森林小镇、丹灶岭南水乡型森林小镇的建设规划为例,对比分析生态旅游型、休闲宜居型和岭南水乡型 3 种不同类型森林小镇的资源特征与差异,提取特色与重点,探寻不同类型森林小镇的规划策略与建设路径,以期为广东省森林 小镇的特色建设和差异化发展提供技术支撑。
关键词:   森林小镇;建设类型;规划
基金项目:广东省林业科技创新项目 (2021KJCX009,2019KJCX009)
Research on the Planning and Construction Practice Strategies of Different Types of Forest Towns —A Case Study of NanHai District,Foshan City
chenxingcheng, zhao qing, qian wanhui, hu rouxuan
Guangdong Academy of Forestry
 In order to provide technical support for the characteristic construction of forest towns, this paper chose three different forest towns ( Xiqiao eco-tourism forest town, Lishui leisure and livable forest town and Danzao water-forest town) in Nanhai district of Foshan city as the cases. In this study, we compared natural resource differences, analyzed characteristics, and at last extracted the key points in constrcution forest towns to explore the strategies in different places.
Key words:   forest town; construction type; planning