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关键词:   广东内伶仃福田国家自然保护区〓冻害〓恢复〓引种红树〓乡土树种
Investigation of Cold Damage and Renew of Several Dominant =Mangrove Plants in Neilingdingfutian National Nature =Reserve of Guangdong Province, China
CHEN Li-e[sub_s][sub_e],XU Hui-min[sub_s][sub_e],XU Hua-lin[sub_s][sub_e],Lin Shi-shi[sub_s][sub_e],LIAO Wen-bo[sub_s][sub_e][sub_s][sub_e],XIN Guo-rong[sub_s][sub_e] and ZAN Qi-Jie[sub_s][sub_e][sub_s]
Neilingding-Futian National Nature Reserve of Guangdong;State Key Laboratory of Biocontrol,School of Life Sciences,Sun Yat-Sen University,Guangzhou,,School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University,,
In early 2008, the mangrove plants in the Shenzhen Bay have been suffer from the most severe cold damage during 50 years. That native and introduced mangrove have been affected to some extent, were characterized by stem break, leaves withered, and change of relative abundance and density of mangrove species in community. In this paper, the cold damage and renew of mangrove plants were investigated in 2009 and 2010. The results showed: (1) Different introduced mangrove plants have different renew and recovery capability, for examples, the introduced Sonneratia caseolaris and S. apetala were recovery well, which all individuals almost have new leaves; Bruguiera gymnorrhiza recovery well and grow to be formed new young twig; the most of Bruguiera sexangula died and decreased from 47 to 12 individuals; the introduced Avicennia marina var. australasica from Australia recovered well; (2) The native species such as Kandelia candel, Aegiceras corniculatum and Aricennia marina, grow normally during the cold damage, which indicated the native species is adapted; (3) Since S. caseolaris and S. apetala were suffer injury, the most of their mature individuals and seedlings were cut and clean away by the manager of National Natural Reserve.
Key words:   Guangdong NeilingdingFutian National Nature Reserve, cold damage, renew and recovery, exotic mangrove, native species