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王 裕 霞,PAN Wen
广 东 省 林 业 科 学 研 究 院,
选用黄心土、椰糠、泥炭土和珍珠岩四种基质,采用混料试验的单形重心设计组配14个配方处理,进行广宁红花油茶(Camellia semiserrata)苗期轻基质盆栽试验,比较不同配方基质对其幼苗生长的影响,从而筛选出适合广宁红花油茶苗期生长的盆栽育苗轻基质配方。结果表明,不同基质处理对广宁红花油茶地上部分与地下部分的影响十分显著,各项生长指标的差异达到显著或极显著水平。在14个配方中,处理M1(60%黄心土 20%椰糠 20%泥炭土)、M2(20%黄心土 60%椰糠 20%泥炭土)、M9(20%黄心土 40%椰糠 20%泥炭土 20%珍珠岩)和M5(40%黄心土 460%椰糠 20%泥炭土)是广宁红花油茶轻基质盆栽育苗的适宜配方。对不同处理基质的理化性状分析结果表明,椰糠在减少基质容重、提高基质持水量与总孔隙度方面的作用明显大于泥炭土,是良好的轻基质材料。不同处理广宁红花油茶生长指标与基质材料含量指标的相关分析表明:对广宁红花油茶地上部分与地下部分的生长,椰糠有较明显的促进;泥炭土只对株高增长有显著促进作用;珍珠岩对各项指标的作用轻微;黄心土对各项指标有较明显的抑制作用。
关键词:   广宁红花油茶 轻基质配方 基质理化性状 盆栽苗木培育
A Nursing Experiment of Camellia semiserrata Using Different Kinds of Light medium
wangyuxia and PAN Wen
Guangdong Academy of Forestry
Pot experiment with the simplex centroid design in the combination of yellow soil, coir dust, peat soil and perlite was conducted in order to study the seedling growth performance of Camellia semiserrata in different substrate formulas. The results showed that substrate formulas differed significantly (or extremely significantly) on seedling growth performance. Among the 14 formulas, M1 (60% yellow soil 20% coir dust 20% peat soil), M2 (20% yellow soil 60% coir dust 20% peat soil) ,M9 (20% yellow 40% coir dust 20% peat soil 20% perlite) and M5 (40% yellow soil 40% coir dust 20% peat soil) were superior for C. semiserrata. Physicochemical characters analyses indicated that coir dust have better performance on reducing bulk density, increasing moisture capacity and total porosity than that of peat soil. Correlation between growth index and substrate factors inferred that coir dust positively promoted the above and under ground biomass of C. semiserrata, peat soil only increased the seedling height, while yellow soil inhibited all growth factors, perlite have little influence on seedling growth
Key words:   Camellia semiserrata, light medium, physicochemical character, potted cultivation