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采用nr ITS和叶绿体基因间隔区trnL-trnF的序列,初步研究分布于广东省的野牡丹属的6个物种,即展毛野牡丹(Melastoma normale)、野牡丹(M. candidum)、多花野牡丹(M. affine)、细叶野牡丹(M. intermedium)、地稔(M. dodecandrum)、毛稔(M. sanguineum)和1个原产印度的印度野牡丹(M. malabathricum)及其白花变种(M. malabathricumvar. alba)的遗传关系。结果表明,展毛野牡丹、野牡丹、多花野牡丹、细叶野牡丹和毛稔这5个物种具有完全一样的nr ITS和叶绿体基因间隔区trnL-trn F序列,表明它们之间存在非常近的亲缘关系。印度野牡丹在nr ITS序列上与前5个物种序列相同,但在叶绿体trnL-trn F序列上具有1个碱基的差异,表明它与这些物种之间存在非常近缘的关系。地稔与其他几个物种无论在nr ITS序列还是在叶绿体trnL-trnF序列上都差异甚大。
关键词:   野牡丹属;遗传关系;nr ITS序列;叶绿体trnL-trn-F序列
分类号 S661.1
Compare Study on Phylo美高梅 Relationships among Several Species in Melastoma (Melastomaceae)
dai se-ping,liu lian-hai and wu wei
Guangzhou Institute of Landscape Gardening,South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences
In this study, nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (nr ITS)and chloroplast trnL-trnF sequences were used to clarify the relationships of seven species in Melastoma, which include six species from China and one species from India. The results showed that M. normale, M. candidum, M. affine, M. intermedium and M. sanguineum had identical nr ITS and chloroplast trnL-trnF sequences, suggesting their close relationships. M. malabathricum and its variety possessed identical nr ITS sequences with the five species, but differed from them by one nucleotide substitution in chloroplast trnL-trn F sequences, implying close relationships among them. M. dodecandrum was substantially different from other species in both nr ITS and chloroplast trnL-rn F sequences.
Key words:   Melastoma; 美高梅 relationship;nr ITS sequence;c hloroplast trnL-trn F sequence