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在广东省从化市进行枫香造林密度试验,结果表明:4.5 a生林木的胸径、树高、冠幅和枝下高有随造林株行距的增大而递增的趋势,干形随株行距的增大呈递减趋势,不同株行距仅对树高有显著影响(P<0.1);随造林株行距的增大,单株材积增加,而储蓄量减小,但单株材积在不同株行距处理之间无显著差异,蓄积量仅在2 m×2 m、2 m×3 m株行距与其它3种株行距之间有显著差异(P<0.1)。综合考虑投入产出,以及造林成本和产量收益时,建议采用株行距为2 m×3 m的方式造林。
关键词:   株行距;枫香;幼龄林;早期生长;材积
分类号 S759.8
Effects of Planting Spacing on Early Growth of the Plantation of Liquidambar formosana
Yang Jinchang,Yin Guangtian,Zou Wentao and Li Rongsheng
Research Institute of Tropical forestry,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Guangzhou,510520,Research Institute of Tropical forestry,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Guangzhou,510520,Research Institute of Tropical forestry,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Guangzhou,510520
Effects of planting spacing on early growth of the plantation of Liquidambar formosana at 4.5 years in Conghua city of Guangdong were analyzed. The results showed that DBH, tree height, crown diameter and under branch height increased with the planting spacing while stem form decreased with it; however, there were no significant differences for most growing indicators except for tree height. Individual volume increased with the spacing, but no significant differences were found among treatments; growing stock per hectare decreased with spacing with significant differences between two spacing of 2 m×2 m and 2 m×3 m and the other three spacing (P<0.1). In view of the ratio of input to output, the spacing of 2 m×3 m was recommended for the purpose of both lower planting cost and higher yield of L. formosana plantation.
Key words:   planting spacing; Liquidambar formosana; young plantation; early growth; volume