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广东省东江林场 广东 河源紫金 邮编517465
本研究通过典型样地调查法对广东省中部东江林场9年生黧蒴 (Castanopsis fissa) 人工林在不同坡位的生长表现进行综合分析,结果显示:不同坡位间黧蒴的树高、胸径和单株材积均差异极显著,随坡位上升三者生长均呈现明显的下降趋势,下坡树高、胸径和单株材积分别是中坡相应指标的1.4倍、1.3倍、2.5倍,是上坡的2.9倍、2.2倍15.0倍;冠幅和整枝高度随坡位的变化趋势与树高和胸径一致,而且树冠的发育特征与树高和胸径均显著正相关。据此分析,黧蒴在研究区域内最适宜在下坡种植,中坡可适当种植,上坡则不宜种植。研究结果对于研究区域及周边地区具有类似地形的黧蒴人工林推广的立地选择提供指导。
关键词:   黧蒴;坡位 生长表现;林冠特征
Comparative analysis on the growth differences between slope positions in 9-year-old Castanopsis fissa plantations
The growth difference among slope positions were analyzed based on the investigation in 9 years old Castanopsis fissa plantations in Dongjiang Forest Farm in central of Guangdong Province. Comprehensive analysis showed that: there were significantly difference among different slope positions in trees hight, DBH and individual volume, and which was increased remarkably with the rising slope position. Trees hight, DBH and individual volume at downslope position was 1.4 times, 1.3 times, 2.5 times as high as which were at midslope, was 2.9 times, 2.2 times 15.0 times to which at upslope. Crown width and height under branch had significant differences among the slope positions, which increasing along slope rising, and which were significantly correlated with trees hight and DBH. According to this analysis, Castanopsis fissa is most suitable for planting at the downslope position, may be appropriate in planting at midslope, was unfavorable planting at upslope in studied area. Some guidances and suggestions for the Castanopsis fissa plantation site selection in study areas and the surrounding area with similar terrain features .
Key words:   Castanopsis;fissa Slope;posion Growth;performance Crown;characteristics