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华南农业大学 林学院;广东省森林植物种质创新与利用重点实验室,华南农业大学 林学院;广东省森林植物种质创新与利用重点实验室,华南农业大学 林学院;广东省森林植物种质创新与利用重点实验室,华南农业大学 林学院;广东省森林植物种质创新与利用重点实验室,华南农业大学 林学院;广东省森林植物种质创新与利用重点实验室,华南农业大学 林学院;广东省森林植物种质创新与利用重点实验室
为优化银叶金合欢种子处理方式,提高其种子萌发率。本文采用剪破种皮、热水、无水酒精、氢氧化钠溶液和浓硫酸浸种等种子处理方式,并测定其种子萌发特征。结果表明:未经处理的银叶金合欢种子发芽势为9.0 %,发芽率为14.0 %;剪破种皮处理发芽势为84.6 %,发芽率为87.3 %。热水90 ℃处理3min时发芽势、发芽率均为同处理最高,达到58.0 %和61.0 %。无水酒精和氢氧化钠浸种处理对银叶金合欢种子的发芽势和发芽率有较显著影响,但随处理时间的延长,发芽势和发芽率均无明显变化。浓硫酸浸种时间从1 min到8 min,其发芽率随着浸种时间的延长先升后降,浸种5 min时发芽率最高,达64.0 %。由于剪破种皮工作量大,处理效率低、浓硫酸处理操作安全性差等因素,综合考虑在生产上建议采用90 ℃热水恒温浸种3 min或无水酒精浸种90 min处理。
关键词:   银叶金合欢;种子萌发;发芽率;发芽势
Study on seed germination of Acacia podalyriifolia
hu jiaxin,,,, and xiruchun
College of Forestry,South China Agricultural University
In order to optimize the treatment methods and improve seed germination rate of Acacia podalyriifolia. This paper uses the methods of seed soaking with scraping seed coat and soaking in hot water, absolute alcohol, sodium hydroxide solution and concentrated sulfuric acid resp. To measure the seed germination rate of Acacia podalyriifolia.The experimental results show that: the germination potential and rate of untreated seeds of Acacia podalyriifolia were 9.0% and 14.0%.The germination potential and rate of Acacia podalyriifolia seeds treated by scraping seed coat by abrasive cloth were 84.6% and 87.3%.The germination potential and rate of Acacia podalyriifolia seeds are highest of the same treatments by 90 ℃water of 3 min, being up to 58.0% and 61.0%. The seed-soaking treatments with absolute alcohol and sodium hydroxide solution had significant effect on the germination potential and rate of Acacia podalyriifolia. But with the extension of processing time, germination potential and rate were no significant changes In the duration from the 1st minute to the 8th minute of seed-soaking in concentrated sulfuric acid, the average germination rate of treated seeds was first and decreased afterwards as the seed-soaking duration was extended and the average germination rate of seed-soaking for 5 min was highest, being up to 64.0%. Due to the large amount of efforts, low-effeciency of cut broken seed coats and poorsecurity of processing operations by concentrated sulfuric acid, treatments by 90 ℃water of 3 min and absolute alcohol of 90 min are better methods in production for overall consideration.
Key words:   Acacia podalyriifolia;seed germination;germination rate;germination potential