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以广东天井山林场2008年遭受特大冰雪灾害损毁的杉木林为对象,通过采用伐除受损杉木,人工引入木荷、黎蒴、火力楠、樟树等乡土阔叶树种,及保留杉木萌芽更新等方式,开展人工促进受损杉木林植被恢复研究。结果表明,人工修复5年后,形成了良好的杉木阔叶树混交林,萌芽杉木平均胸径达到4.41~5.48 cm,木荷、黎蒴、火力楠、深山含笑、黎蒴、樟树平均胸径分别为2.72、6.03、2.59、1.75、4.10、3.30 cm。在水平分布格局上,9个样地属随机分布,6个样地呈均匀分布,无样地呈聚集分布;树种混交度呈弱度、中度混交;树种间竞争优劣顺序依次为黎蒴、木荷、樟树、火力楠、深山含笑。不同配置的阔叶树种所形成林分的空间结构特征没有明显差异。修复受损杉木最佳的树种为黎蒴,其次是木荷、樟树、火力楠,最后是深山含笑。
关键词:   杉木林;冰雪灾害;人工恢复;乡土阔叶树;空间结构
分类号 S765.4
基金项目:国家科技支撑计划课题“南方集体林区生态公益林可持续经营技术研究与示范”( 2012BAD22B05)第一作者蔡燕灵(1978-),女,高级工程师,主要从事森林培育研究,E-mail:justdawning@163.com通信作者曾令海(1957-),男,研究员,主要从事森林可持续经营研究,E-mail:zlinghai@263.net
Artificial Restoration of Chinese Fir Plantations Damaged by Heavy Snow and Ice Disaster and Stand Spatial Analysis in Northern Part of Guangdong Province
Cai Yanling,,,,, and
the plantations of Cunninghamia lanceolata damaged by snow and ice disaster in year 2008 were selected for artificial restoration through clearing broken woods, interplanting native broadleaf trees including Schima superba, CastanopsisSfissa, Michelia macclurei, and Cinnamomum camphora etc. as well as maintaining the coppice shoots of C. lanceolata. Five years later, superior mixed plantations were established. The diameter at breast height (DBH) of C. lanceolata ranged from 4.41 to 5.48 cm, and those of S. superba, C.Sfissa, M. macclurei, C. camphora and M. maudiae were 2.72, 6.03, 2.59, 1.75, 4.10 and 3.30 cm, respectively. In terms of horizontal layout, 9 sample plots were detected to be random distribution, 6 plots homogenous distribution, but no plot aggregated distribution. The mixed plantations displayed weak or middle level of mingling degree. The competiveness order of interplanted broadleaf trees was C.Sfissa > S. superba > C. camphora > M. macclurei > M. maudiae. No significant deviation in spatial structure was detected among different deployments. The best tree species for restoration of damaged C. lanceolata plantations was C.Sfissa, the moderates were S. superba, M. macclurei, and C. camphora, the last was M. maudiae.
Key words:   Cunninghamia lanceolata; snow and ice disaster; artificial restoration; native broadleaf tree; spatial structure