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连山县林业科学研究所,广东省森林病虫害生物防治重点实验室 广东广州,美高梅 广东广州;连山县林业科学研究所,广东省森林病虫害生物防治重点实验室 广东广州,美高梅 广东广州;连山县林业科学研究所,连山县林业科学研究所,连山县林业科学研究所
关键词:   杉木;无性系;丰产林;示范
分类号 S791.27
基金项目:中央财政林业科技推广示范资金跨区域项目“杉木优良无性系示范推广”([2011]TK083)。第一作者郭立业(1972-),男,助理工程师,主要从事森林培育和林业管理工作。E-mail: ls8733006@163.com。通讯作者王润辉(1974-),男,高级工程师(教授级),主要从事林木遗传改良研究,E-mail:wrunh@163.com。
Growth Performance of Superior of Cunninghamia lanceolata in Lianshan County
Guo Liye,Hu Dehuo,Huang Deji,Wang Runhui,He Xuezhi,Jiang Yaoshuang and Chen Xuezhang
Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Bio-control for the Forest Disease and Pest,Guangdong Academy of Forestry,;Lianshan forestry institude,Guangdong Qingyuan,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Bio-control for the Forest Disease and Pest,Guangdong Academy of Forestry,;Lianshan forestry institude,Guangdong Qingyuan,Lianshan forestry institude,Guangdong Qingyuan,Lianshan forestry institude,Guangdong Qingyuan
For the sake of exploring the more effective ways for high-yielding cultivation of Cunninghamia lanceolata in lianshan County, clones of Cunninghamia lanceolata were deployed. Six clones were imported from Guangdong Academy of Forestry, 47-hectare forest stand was established, with 6.67-10 hectares for each, ratio of the survival was about 94%-96.6%. ANOVA showed that highly great significance was existed among clones and original in height and diameter at breast height, clones were observed superior than the original breeds. Significant difference appeared among clones, which provided evidences to select best clones in Lianshan county. Training for the clones reforestration of Cunninghamia lanceolata was also carried out, and 120 persons were included.
Key words:   Cunninghamia lanceolata; clones; fertile stand; demonstration