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采用样方调查法,在茂名林洲顶自然保护区内设置32个20 m×20 m的样方,基于样地分层频度调查数据,以不同林层作为一维资源位,以个体多度为生态位计测的资源状态指标,对森林群落中的15个优势种群进行了生态位的计测与分析。结果显示:大部分耐荫树种生态位宽度值较大,如华润楠(Machilus chinensis)Bsw、BL值分别为0.379 28、0.869 75,鸭脚木(Schefflera arboricola)Bsw、BL值分别为0.374 57、0.864 64;而阳性树种生态位宽度值较小,如枫香(Liquidambar formosana)Bsw、BL值分别为0.117 10、0.388 92,红花荷(Rhodoleia championi)Bsw、BL值分别为0.042 01、0.347 29。生态位宽度值较大的树种与生态位宽度值较小的树种之间的生态位重叠值较高,反之,重叠值较低。
关键词:   林洲顶;优势种群;生态位宽度;生态位重叠
分类号 Q145
Niche Breadth and Overlap of Dominant Populantions of Major Forest Communites of Linzhouding Nature Reserve in Maoming
chenchunxiu and fengzhijian
College of Forestry,South China Agricultural University
Thirty-two 400 m2 (20 m×20 m) plots were surveyed in west Guangdong of Linzhouding in Maoming by hierarchy clustering analysis. Based on the data were surveyed with Tree-layer-frequency method, the niche characteristics of 15 dominant populations were described and analyzed, with stand layer as the resource state and tree abundance as the resource state descriptor of niche. The results indicated that most of the shade-tolerant tree species had higher niche breadth values, while the intolerant tree species had the lower ones. The results of niche overlap of all dominant populations showed that, the niche overlap value were higher between the populations of higher and lower niche breadth, on the contrary, the niche overlap value were lower between the populations of lower and higher niche breadth.
Key words:   Linzhouding,dominant populantions,niche;breadth , niche;overlap