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华南农业大学 林学与风景园林学院,华南农业大学 林学与风景园林学院
以大果南山茶(Camellia semiserrata var. magnocarpa)为材料,研究植物生长调节剂种类、浓度及浸泡时间对其扦插繁殖存活率和生根状态的影响。结果表明:生长调节剂种类是影响大果南山茶扦插生根率的最主要因素,以IBA处理的插条成活率和生根率最高,平均成活率达69.97%,平均生根率为39.17%;在ABT处理条件下,插条生根后的平均根长和平均根粗为最佳,分别为2.15cm和0.66mm。综合分析,大果南山茶枝条扦插繁殖的最优处理方案是在400mg/L的 IBA生长调节剂中处理10min,IBA处理的枝条根的生长均比NAA、ABT处理快而多,更有助于扦插苗的健壮生长。
关键词:   大果南山茶;扦插繁殖;正交试验
分类号 S723.1
Study of the Cutting Propagation Experiment on Camellia semiserrata var. magnocarpa
Su Danping and Cui Dafang
College of Forestry and Landscape Architecture,South China Agricultural University
Camellia semiserrata var. magnocarpa is a rarer greening species applied in city parks, scenic spots and community. In this article, different hormones, different concentrations and different immersion time, which were conducted to study the influence of Camellia semiserrata var. magnocarpa on survival and rooting of cutting propagation. The results showed that hormone species have a significant impact on the survival rate and rooting status of Camellia semiserrata var. magnocarpa. IBA treatment has the highest survival rate, the best of average survival rate was 69.97%, the average rooting rate was 39.70%. The ABT treatment has the highest average root length (2.15cm) and average root diameter (0.66mm). After a comprehensive analysis, the optimum solution was 10 minutes immersion in 400mg/L IBA. Branch of Camellia semiserrata var. magnocarpa rooting shoots Faster and more in the ABT treatment than the NAA/ ABT, which contributedSto robust growth of branch.
Key words:   Camellia semiserrata var. magnocarpa, cutting;breeding, Orthogonal test