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广州大学生命科学学院 广东广州,广州市第四十七中学 广东广州,华南师范大学生命科学学院 广东广州,海南省五指山国家级自然保护区管理局 海南五指山,华南师范大学生命科学学院 广东广州,广州大学生命科学学院 广东广州
为探讨五指山地区洞穴型蝙蝠夏季栖息地的特点和资源状况,于2007年7-8月在五指山地区对13个洞穴进行调查。共采集到蝙蝠14种,其中褐扁颅蝠Tvlonvcteris robustula为海南蝙蝠新纪录,犬蝠Cynopterus sphinx等7种为五指山地区蝙蝠新纪录,洞穴型蝙蝠10种,占海南岛已知洞穴型蝙蝠18种的55.56%。主成分分析的结果提示:多数洞穴型蝙蝠分布于低海拔(0-400 m)区域,倾向于高温高湿度的洞穴作为夏季栖息场所,物种分布型的热带性随海拔升高而降低,不同种类的蝙蝠多度和频度差异较大。最后,根据蝙蝠的栖息地特点和濒危状况提出了相应的保护建议。
关键词:   海南;五指山;洞穴型蝙蝠;栖息地选择
分类号 Q959.8
Habitat Selection of Cave-bats in Summer in Wuzhishan Mountain, Hainan
Yu Wenhua,Fan Fenglan,Jiang Haisheng,Li Shanyuan,Kong Xiangkun and Wu Yi
No 47 Middle School Guangzhou,School of Life Science,South China Normal University Guangzhou,Wuzhishan National Nature Reserve of Hainan Province Wuzhishan,School of Life Science,South China Normal University Guangzhou,School of Life Science,Guangzhou University Guangzhou
In order to evaluate cave-bats resource in Wuzhi Mountain, Hainan, we conducted a series of surveys in this area from July to August in 2007. Among 14 chiropteran species recorded in the surveys, Tvlonvcteris robustula is a new record of Hainan Island, and other 7 species represent new records in Wuzhi Mountain regions. 10 of 14 species are cave-bats, which accounting for 55.56% of 18 recorded cave-bat species in Hainan island. According to the principle component analysis, most cave-bats prefer the cave with a low altitude (0 – 400 m), high temperature and humidity as a summer habitat. With the increase of altitude, the tropics characteristic of species decrease, and abundance and frequency varied among different species. Lastly, we proposed several suggestions for protection according to the habitat characteristics and endangered status of different bats.
Key words:   Hainan; Wuzhi Mountain; cave-bat; habitat selection