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以柳江流域中游柳江县 3 种典型人工林为研究对象,通过野外样地调查和室内实验相结合的 方法,从林下草本层、凋落物层、土壤层 3 个方面研究了不同人工林的水源涵养功能。结果表明:桉树 林(巨尾桉 Eucalyptus grandis × E. uroplylla)、杉木林(Cunninghamia lanceolata)和马尾松林(Pinus massoniana)林下草本层最大持水量差异不显著,分别为 12.12、 11.33 和 8.56 t/hm2;而凋落物层最大持 水量的大小顺序为桉树林 > 马尾松林 > 杉木林, 3 种林分间差异显著(P<0.05),分别为 13.92、 9.86 和 6.82 t/hm2; 3 种林分凋落物的持水量和持水率与浸泡时间均呈对数关系,吸水速率与浸泡时间呈幂函数关 系;土壤密度随土层厚度的增加而增大,非毛管孔隙度、毛管孔隙度、总孔隙度则相反,均随着土层厚 度的增加而减小,桉树林毛管总孔隙度和总孔隙度除外;马尾松林和杉木林 60 cm 土层的最大持水量差 异不明显,但均明显大于桉树林,分别为 2 968.44、 2 964.03、 2 585.20 t/hm2;不同林分的林下层持水总 量大小顺序依次为马尾松林(2 986.86 t/hm2)、杉木林(2 982.17 t/hm2)、桉树林(2 611.24 t/hm2),其中 土壤层的持水量占 99% 及以上。
关键词:   人工林;凋落物;土壤;持水量;水源涵养
分类号 S715
Water Conservation Function of Three Plantations in Middle Reaches of Liujiang River
Liu Yi,Wei Jian-cai,ZHOU Hai-xi,HE Qin-fei and SHEN Wen-hui
Guangxi Gaofeng State-owned Forest Farm,Liuzhou Liujiang District Forestry Bureau,Liuzhou;Guangxi Forestry Research Institute,Liuzhou Liujiang District Forestry Bureau,Liuzhou;Guangxi Forestry Research Institute,Guangxi Forestry Research Institute,Guangxi Forestry Research Institute
Three typical plantations in the middle reaches of the Liujiang river basin were used as the research object. Through field investigation and experiment, the water conservation function of different plantations was studied from three aspects: the herb layer, the litter layer, and the soil layer. The results indicated that in the herb layer, the maximum water-holding capacity of Eucalyptus grandis × E. urophylla forest, Cunninghamia lanceolata forest and Pinus massoniana forest was 12.12, 11.33, 8.56 t/hm2 respectively, which had no significant difference. The maximum water-holding capacity of litter layer had the significant difference in the order of Eucalyptus forest (13.92 t/hm2) > P. massoniana forest (9.86 t/hm2) > C. lanceolata forest (6.82 t/hm2). The water-holding capacity and water-holding rate of litters changed logarithmically, while the water-absorption rate assumed a power function of soaking time. Soil bulk density increased from the increase of soil depth, whereas soil non-capillary porosity, capillary porosity and total porosity were reduced from the increase of soil depth, except for capillary porosity and total porosity of Eucalyptus forest. The maximum water-holding capacity of 60 cm soil layer of P. massoniana (2 968.44 t/hm2) was a little higher than C. lanceolata forest (2 964.03 t/hm2), the lowest was Eucalyptus forest (2 585.20 t/hm2). The total maximum water-holding capacity for P. massoniana forest, C. lanceolata forest, Eucalyptus forests was 2 986.86, 2 982.17, 2 611.24 t/hm2, and the order was the same as the soil. The maximum water-holding capacity of soil layer accounted for 99% and above.
Key words:   plantation; litter; soil; water-holding capacity; water conservation