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对广东大稠顶省级自然保护区的植物区系进行初步研究。结果显示,该保护区共记录了野生 种子植物 1 021 种(含亚种),隶属 133 科 513 属;保护区种子植物区系成分以热带成分为主,区系热带 性质明显;在科的分布区类型上,泛热带分布科占全部非世界分布科的 57.58%,以泛热带分布占优势; 在属的水平上,泛热带和热带亚洲成分占优势,共有 344 属,占全部非世界分布属的 71.07%;中国特有 属 7 属(占 1.45%);该保护区与广东省惠东莲花山白盆珠自然保护区、乳源瑶族自治县南岭自然保护区、 梅县阴那山自然保护区和新丰县鲁古河自然保护区的植物区系互为近缘区系,其中与南岭自然保护区植 物区系的相似性最大。
关键词:   大稠顶省级自然保护区;种子植物区系;区系特征
A Study on Spermatophyte Flora in Guangdong Dachouding Nature Reserve
Li Qing-dong,Lin Hong-shuang,Wang Xiao-liang and He Ying-zhao
Stated-owed Forest Farm of Xingang,Zhaoqing City,Guangdong Huaiji,526400,Stated-owed Forest Farm of Xingang,Zhaoqing City,Guangdong Huaiji,526400,Stated-owed Forest Farm of Xingang,Zhaoqing City,Guangdong Huaiji,526400,Stated-owed Forest Farm of Xingang,Zhaoqing City,Guangdong Huaiji,526400
A preliminary study was conducted on the spermatophyte flora in Dongguan Dachouding Nature Reserve. The results showed that there were totally 1 021 species of wild spermatophyte, including subspecies, belonging to 513 genera and 133 families in Dachouding Nature Reserve. The elements of spermatophyte flora in nature reserve were complex and varied, the tropical elements were dominant and the flora was remarkably characterized by tropical zone. For areal types of families, pantropical families contributed 57.58% of the total families. At the generic level, tropical elements were the dominant components, 344 genera belonging to the tropical genera contributed 71.07% of the total. There were 7 genera endemic to China, in which contributed 1.45% of the total. The floristic elements of Dachouding Nature Reserve were compared with other 4 reserves, Lianhuashan Baipenzhu Provincial Nature Reserve, Nanling Provincial Nature Reserve, Yinna Mountain Provincial Nature Reserve and Luguhe Provincial Nature Reserve. Dachouding Nature Reserve had the highest similarity with Nanling Provincial Nature Reserve.
Key words:   Dachouding Nature Reserve;spermatophyte flora;flora characteristic