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巨桉 (Eucalyptus grandis) 是我国最重要的桉树品种之一。通过对建立在赣南地区 54 月生的巨桉 13 种源 175 家系开展生长指标和形质指标的分析,方差分析结果表明:所有参试性状区组间均呈极显著 差异,干形和分枝在种源间呈极显著差异,树高、单株材积、干形、分枝和冠幅在家系间差异极显著;胸 径、树高、单株材积、干形、分枝和冠幅的表型和遗传变异系数分别为 29.64%~30.12%、21.67%~22.51%、 71.17%~73.40、14.02%~27.01%、17.49%~34.36% 和 54.13%~58.54%, 遗 传 力 分 别 为 0.24、0.44、0.38、 0.61、0.57 和 0.62;性状相关性分析表明:所有参试性状间均呈正相关,树高与其它参试性状间均呈极显 著正相关,单株材积与胸径的相关系数最高为 0.94,冠幅与分枝的相关性最低为 0.05;参试性状综合比较 分析, 9 号(来自昆士兰州 Tully Gorge National Park)、10 号(福建天马东溪)、12 号(四川乐山)种源在 各个性状上表现都较为突出;就生长而言,144 号(来自昆士兰州 Tully Gorge National Park)、125 号(来 自昆士兰州 Bambaroo)、29 号(来自昆士兰州 Koombooloomba)和 92 号(来自昆士兰州 Bambaroo)家系 长势较好,143 号(来自昆士兰州 Tully Gorge National Park)家系干形通直且分枝均匀。
关键词:   巨桉;生长性状;形质性状;遗传力
基金项目:“十二五”农村领域国家科技计划项目(2012BAD01B0401)资助This work was supported by the National Twelfth Five-Year Science and Technology Plan (Grant No.2012BAD01B0401).
Variation Analysis and Selection for Eucalyptus grandis Provenances and Families in Southern Jiangxi
WU Shijun,CHEN Guangchao,XU Jianmin,LI Guangyou,SONG Peining and GUO Wenzhong
Eucalyptus grandis is one of the most important species in China. The growth traits, quality traits and crown width of 175 families from 13 provenances aged 54 months on Sothern Jiangxi were analyzed. The variance analysis results showed that there were significant differences in studied traits among blocks. The significant differences were also found on stem and branch among provenances and the significant differences were also found on height, volume,stem, branch and crown width among families. The phenotypic and 美高梅 variation coefficients of diameter at breast height, height, volume, stem, branch and crown width were 29.64%- 30.12%, 21.67%-22.51%, 71.17%-73.40, 14.02%-27.01%, 17.49%-34.36% and 54.13%-58.54%. The heritability of diameter at breast height, height, volume, stem, branch and crown width were 0.24、0.44、0.38, 0.61、0.57 and 0.62 respectively. The correlation analysis showed that studied traits had positive correlations. Height had significant positive correlations with other studied traits. The correlations between volume and diameter at breast height, crown width and branch were 0.94 and 0.05. Comprehensive selection results showed that No.9 (from Tully Gorge National Park QLD), No.10 (fromDongxi, Tianma, Fujian), and No.12 (fromLeshan, Sichuan) were growth best provenances. In terms of growth traits, No. 144(from Tully Gorge National Park QLD), No. 125 (from Bambaroo QLD), No. 29(from Koombooloomba QLD)and No. 92(from Bambaroo QLD)families had the best growth.No. 143 (from Tully Gorge National Park QLD) had best stem and branch.
Key words:   Eucalyptus grandis;growth traits;quality traits;heritability