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通过植物资源野外调查、标本采集和鉴定,对广东韶关国家森林公园药用植物资源进行了统 计分析。结果表明,广东韶关国家森林公园共有药用植物 507 种,隶属 122 科 343 属;其中蕨类药用植 物 18 科 21 属 30 种,裸子植物 1 科 1 属 1 种,被子植物 103 科 321 属 476 种;全草类、性凉类和清热类 分别在按用药部位、药性和功效分类中种数占比最高;整理了当地常见药用植物名录,并对该园野生药 用植物资源的保护和利用提出了建议,如建立野生药用植物数据库、建立小药园或开发相关旅游产品等。
关键词:   药用植物;韶关国家森林公园;资源
Investigation of Medicinal Plants in Shaoguan National Forest Park of Guangdong Province
huangzhangping,qiuzhixiong,Kong Huaqing and Wu Linfang
Shaoguan National Forest Park of Guangdong Province,Shaoguan National Forest Park of Guangdong Province,Forestry Resources Mange Station of Guangdong Province,Guangzhou Linfang Ecological Technology Co., Ltd.
Based on field survey, specimen collection and identification, the medicinal plants of Shaoguan National Forest Park were investigated. A total of 507 species, 343 genera and 122 families of medicinal plants were found, including 30 species, 21 genera and 18 families of fern; species, 1 genus and 1 family of Gymnosperm; 476 species, 321 genera and 103 families of Angiosperm. These medicinal plants which are cool in medcine proporty or used with whole grass (whole plant), or used for reducing heat respectively dominate in the medicinal properties, parts and efficacy. The most commonly used medicinal plants by the locals were presented. The proposal of protection and utilization were introduced.
Key words:   medicinal plants; Shaoguan National Forest Park; resources