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利用种植于广东省台山市红岭种子园的2 块湿地松(Pinus elliottii var. elliottii)× 洪都拉斯加勒比松(P. caribaea var. hondurensis)杂种(简称湿加松EH 杂种)测定林2~21 a 间多个年度的生长性状观测数据,研究了树高、胸径、单株材积的遗传效应、早晚相关、及早期选择的最佳年龄,结果如下:(1)父本效应、母本效应、以及父母本的互作效应均对杂交子代的树高、胸径、单株材积生长有一定程度的影响,为获得优良的杂交组合,需要选育优良杂交亲本,并开展广泛的交配与测定;(2)树高、胸径、单株材积多个观测年度的单株狭义遗传力为0.157~0.762、家系平均遗传力为0.609~0.920,显示对湿加松EH 杂种开展家系选择和单株选择是有效的;(3)早期的树高、胸径、单株材积与21 a 或18 a 生的单株材积间存在极显著的遗传相关,说明对生长性状开展早期选择是可行的,在考虑单位时间效益的前提下,单株选择和家系选择的最佳年龄分别是5~6 a 和3~4 a;(4)针对测定林在生长中、后期保存率偏低的情况,讨论了遗传测定的适宜评价年龄。
关键词:   湿地松× 洪都拉斯加勒比松;生长性状;遗传参数;早晚相关;早期选择
Age Trends and Correlation Analysis of Genetic Parameters on Growth Traits in Pinus elliottii var. elliottii× P. caribaea var. hondurensis
Zhao Fencheng,LIN Changming,WU Huishan,ZHONG Suiying,LI Fuming,LI Yiliang,GUO Wenbing,HUANG Yongquan and LIAO Fangyan
Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Taishan Hongling Seed Orchard,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture, Protection and Utilization/ Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Taishan Hongling Seed Orchard,Taishan Hongling Seed Orchard,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture, Protection and Utilization/ Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture, Protection and Utilization/ Guangdong Academy of Forestry,General Administration of Tree Seeds and Seedlings of Guangdong Province,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture, Protection and Utilization/ Guangdong Academy of Forestry
Two tests of Pinus elliottii var. elliottii × P. caribaea var. hondurensis hybrids (EH hybrids) which were planted in Hongling Seed Orchard, Taishan, Guangdong Province were used for measuring growth traits at the ages from 2 to 21a. The 美高梅 effect, juvenile-mature correlation, and the best age of early selection on tree height, DBH, and individual volume were analyzed. The results were as follows: ① Parental effect, maternal effect, and parental interaction effect all had a certain impact on tree height, DBH and individual volume growth of hybrid progeny. To obtain excellent progenies, it was necessary to breed good crossing parents and carried out a wide range of mating and testing. ② The range of individual narrow-sense heritabilities and family mean heritabilities for tree height, DBH and individual volume at different ages were 0.157-0.762 and 0.609-0.920, respectively. These indicated that it was effective to carry out family selection and individual selection in EH hybrids. ③ There was a significant correlation between the early tree height, early DBH, early individual volume and individual volume at 21a or 18 a, which showed that the early selection of growth traits is feasible. Under the premise of considering the unit time benefit, the best ages of individual selection and family selection were 5-6 a and 3-4 a, respectively. ④ Since the survival rates of experimental stands in middle and late stages were usually low, this study provided a discussion about the appropriate evaluation ages of 美高梅 test.
Key words:   Pinus elliottii var. elliottii×P. caribaea var. hondurensis; growth trait; 美高梅 parameters; juvenile-mature correlation; early selection