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东莞银瓶山森林公园鹅掌柴群落物种多样性和优势种种 群动态

通过样方调查,对东莞银瓶山森林公园三坑、石田和古坑 3 个天然森林鹅掌柴(Schefflera heptaphylla)的群落物种多样性及其种群动态分析。结果表明:(1)在 3 个总面积 3 600 m2 的样地内共记 录维管束植物 61 科 104 属 137 种。三坑和古坑群落以茜草科、大戟科、芸香科和樟科为优势科,石田以 茜草科、大戟科和紫金牛科为优势科;其种子属分布类型均以热带分布型为主,它们分别占非世界分布 总属数的 91.80%、91.49% 和 88.64%。(2)群落垂直结构分为乔木层、灌木层和草本层;三坑群落的物 种丰富度、物种多样性和均匀度均以乔木层最高,石田和古坑群落的物种丰富度、Shannon 指数和均匀度 均以灌木和草本层较高。(3)三坑鹅掌柴群落为间歇型,径级频率分布不连续,该种群结构为不连续生 长;石田和古坑群落为单峰型,随着天然森林群落的演替,鹅掌柴的优势地位将会被耐荫树种替代。
关键词:   鹅掌柴;物种多样性;群落结构;银瓶山森林公园
Species Diversity and Dominate Population Dynamics of Three Schefflera heptaphylla Communities in Dongguan,Guangdong
LI Guohui and ZHANG Shangkun
Dongguan Research Institute of Forestry,Dongguan Research Institute of Forestry
The species diversity and population structure of three Schefflera heptaphylla communities in Sankeng, Shitian and Gukeng of Dongguan Yinpingshan Forest Park were studied by plot method. The results showed that, (1) there were 137 vascular plants in three plots with a total area of 3 600 m2 , belonging to 61 families and 104 genera. The dominant families were Rubiaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Rutaceae, Lauraceae in Sankeng and Gukeng communities, the dominant families were Rubiaceae, Euphorbiaceae and Myrsinaceae in Shitian community. Among them, the tropical distribution elements at genus level were dominate accounting for 91.80%, 91.49% and 88.64%. (2) The community was divided into arbor layer, shrub and herb layer. The species richness, species diversity and evenness in the treee layer of Sankeng community were higher, while the species richness, Shannon index and evenness were higher in the shrub and herbal layer in Shitian and Gukeng communities. (3) Sankeng community of S. heptaphylla is intermittent type owing to not continuous of diameter-distribution frequency, and the population structure was discontinuous growth. The community of Shitian and Gukeng are single-peak, with succession of the natural forest community, the dominance of S. heptaphylla in community would be replaced by other shade-tolerant species.
Key words:   Schefflera heptaphylla ;species diversity;community characteristics;Yinpingshan Forest Prak