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对广西国有三门江林场 11 个红锥(Castanopsis hystrix)种源 15.25 a 生林分的生长性状进行了 研究,结果表明:15.25 a 生红锥种源试验林平均保存率为49.61%,林分密度为825 株 ·hm-2,平均树高 12.03 m, 平均胸径 12.57 cm,平均单株材积 0.087 6 m3,平均枝下高 3.37 m, 通直度 2.96。保存率在种源间 差异不显著;种源间的树高存在显著差异,胸径、单株材积、枝下高、平均通直度差异不显著。以树高、 胸径、单株材积、通直度4 个生长性状指标进行综合性状评定,云南种源综合性状表现最佳,树高、胸 径、单株材积、通直度性状指标分别超出总体平均值10.64%、5.01%、18.15%、22.64%,分别超出对照 19.05%、6.54%、31.18%、34.44%。
关键词:   红锥;地理种源;生长性状;综合评价
基金项目::2009 年广西林业科技项目
Growth Performance of Castanopsis hystrix Geographical Provenance in Central Guangxi
YI Jinglin,WEI Changjiang,WU Mujun,QIN Wenxia,,LI Chunyuan and LI Xulin
State-Owned Sanmenjiang Forest Farm of Gunagxi,State-Owned Sanmenjiang Forest Farm of Gunagxi,State-Owned Sanmenjiang Forest Farm of Gunagxi,State-Owned Sanmenjiang Forest Farm of Gunagxi,State-Owned Sanmenjiang Forest Farm of Gunagxi,State-Owned Sanmenjiang Forest Farm of Gunagxi
11 Castanopsis hystrix 15.25-years-old raw forest provenance in State-owned Sanmenjiang Forest Farm of Guangxi growth traits were studied, the results showed that 15.25-years-old raw red cone provenance test average survival rate was 49.61%, stand density was 825 plants·hm-2, the average tree height was 12.03 m, the average diameter at breast height was 12.57 cm, average individual volume was 0.087 6 m3, under branch average height was 3.37 m, straight degrees was 2.96 . Survival rate had no obvious difference between provenance; Provenances were signi?cant differences among tree height,but DBH, individual volume, under branch height and average straight degrees difference was not obvious. As for four growth indicators : tree height, DBH, individual volume, straight degrees for integrated properties evaluation, Yunnan provenance had the best performance in comprehensive characters, which were above population mean about 10.64%、5.01%、18.15% and 22.64% respectively; which were about 19.05%、 6.54%,、31.18% and 34.44% higher than the control respectively。
Key words:   Castanopsis hystrix;geographical provenance;growth traits;comprehensive evaluation