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深圳市野生动物救护中心,广东深圳,广东省森林培育与保护利用重点实验室/美高梅,广东 广州,美高梅,美高梅,美高梅,美高梅
对坝光银叶树Heritiera littoralis 湿地园开展有害生物调查,收集并鉴定有害生物72 种,其中有害杂草5 种、寄生植物2 种、病害20 种、虫害45 种。红火蚁Solenopsis invicta 和薇甘菊Mikania micrantha 属于外来入侵检疫性有害生物,八点广翅蜡蝉Ricania speculum 在公园内危害严重,对主要有害生物应加强预测预报、及时防治。
关键词:   银叶树;有害生物;红树林;湿地
基金项目:深圳市野生动物救护中心项目“坝光银叶树湿地园监测”。第一作者:邓太阳(1974- ),男,高级工程师,主要从事风景园林研究,E - mail: 13182815@qq.com。通信作者:赵丹阳(1978- ),女,教授级高级工程师,主要从事林业有害生物研究,E – mail: 85040875@qq.com。
Investigation of Harmful Organisms on Forest Trees in Heritiera littoralis Wetland Park of Baguang in Shenzhen
DENG Taiyang,ZHAO Danyang,QIU Hualong,QIN Changshen,XU Jinzhu and JIE Yuze
Shenzhen Wildlife Rescue Center,Shenzhen,Guangdong,ChinaGuangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture,Protecion and Utilization/Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangzhou,Guangdong,China,Guangdong Guangdong Academy of Forestry,无,无,无,无
Harmful organisms of forest trees were investigated, 72 species were found, among which, 5 species were troublesome weeds, 2 species were plant parasitics, 20 species were diseases and 45 species were pests. Solenopsis invicta and Mikania micrantha belonged to quarantining harmful organisms, Ricania speculum was severed damaged pest. It would be very important to forecast and predict the population dynamics of main harmful organisms, and take some relevant controlling methods in corresponding stages.
Key words:   Heritiera littoralis; harmful organisms; mangrove forest; wetland