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以 5 a 生同一无性系红豆杉 Taxus chinensis 原料林作为研究对象,在常规根系施肥的基础上,以提高红豆杉枝叶生物量为目的,开展叶面施肥试验,研究施用叶面肥种类及频数对红豆杉原料林枝叶生长和枝叶中产物累积的影响。结果表明:不同叶面肥处理对红豆杉枝条生长均具有促进作用。方差分析表明不同叶面肥处理的红豆杉分枝数量和枝条总长度具有显著差异,各处理对分枝数量和枝条总长度的促进作用大小依序均为:A2>A3>B3>A1>CK。相关性分析表明枝条总长度与主枝长度、分枝数量均具有极显著的线性正相关关系,增加主枝长度和增加分枝数量均能增加枝条总长度,即提高红豆杉枝叶产量。含量检测结果显示开展叶面施肥处理不会对红豆杉 10-DAB Ⅲ、紫杉醇量产生显著影响。
关键词:   红豆杉;叶面施肥;枝条长度;10-DABⅢ;紫杉醇
基金项目:广东省科技厅重点攻关项目“药用植物红豆杉林下种植、采集及加工关键技术研究与示范”(项目编号:2017B020205001);广东省林业科技创新项目“枝叶高10-DABIII含量云南红豆杉资源培育和产品开发”(项目编号:2017KJCX044);广东省 “扬帆计划”项目“红豆杉新品种关键技术研发及产业化创新团队”(项目编号:2014YT02S044)
Effects of Foliar Fertilization on the Growth and the Accumulation of Products in Leaves and Branches of Taxus chinensis
LI Zhi-liang,CHEN Xin-qiang,Chen guiqiong,Wei jinqiu,Rao Weifang,Huang Qiaoming and Zhang Xiangdong
Meizhou Forest Research Institute,Meizhou Forest Research Institute,Meizhou Forest Research Institute,Meizhou Forest Research Institute,Meizhou Forest Research Institute,Meizhou Zhongda Southern Pharmaceutical Development Co.,Ltd.,Meizhou Zhongda Southern Pharmaceutical Development Co.,Ltd.
In order to improve the biomass of branches and leaves of Taxus chinensis on the basis of conventional root fertilization, a foliar fertilization experiment was carried out to study the effects of different foliar fertilizer types and times on the growth of branches and leaves and the content of products of T. chinensis raw material forest. The results showed that different foliar fertilizer treatments could promote the growth of T. chinensis branches. Variance analysis showed that there were signi?cant differences in the number of branches and the total length of branches of T. chinensis under different foliar fertilizer treatments. Multiple comparisons showed that the number of branches and the total length of branches promoted by each treatment were in the order of A2 > A3 > B3 > A1 > CK. The correlation analysis showed that there was a signi?cant linear positive correlation between the total length of branches and the length and number of branches. Increasing the length of main branches and the number of branches could increase the total length of branches. The results showed that foliar fertilization did not affect the content of 10-DAB III and paclitaxel in T. chinensis.
Key words:   Taxus chinensis; Foliar fertilization; Branch length; 10-DABⅢ;paclitaxel