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石门国家森林公园负氧离子浓度等级评价及其与环境因 素的相关性分析

朱舒欣1, 崔杰2, 刘起雨1, 陈倩倩3, 周平4, 苏艳1, 张华2, 连人豪2, 李吉跃1
为研究广州市从化区石门国家森林公园(以下简称石门)亚热带季风常绿阔叶林空气负氧离 子浓度分布状况及主要影响因子,实地调查并使用统计学方法分析石门亚热带季风常绿阔叶林 2018 年 7 月至 2019 年 4 月连续 10 个月的负氧离子浓度和气象资料。结果显示,石门亚热带季风常绿阔叶林负氧 离子浓度总体呈现出春夏季(3、4、7、8 月)高、秋冬季(9 月 -2 月)低的季节特征,最高 7 月为 5 136 个 · cm-3,最低 2 月为 1 372 个 · cm-3。负氧离子浓度等级都在 6 级及以上,其中 8 级占 80%,空气质量 等级都在三级及以上,一级空气占 80%。负氧离子浓度与温度的相关关系呈现明显的季节变化,春夏季 (3、4、7、8 月)负氧离子浓度与温度呈正相关关系,秋冬季(9 月 -2 月)负氧离子浓度与温度呈负相关 关系;与相对湿度和空气含氧量呈负相关关系;与风速总体呈负相关关系,但夏季(7、8 月)负氧离子 浓度与风速呈正相关关系。这表明石门亚热带季风常绿阔叶林负氧离子非常有利于人体健康。
关键词:   负氧离子;气象因子;森林
Evaluation of Negative Oxygen Ion Concentration and Correlation Analysis with Environmental Factors in Shimen National Forest Park
South China Agricultural University
In order to research the air negative oxygen ions concentration distribution and its main influencing factors in Shimen National Forest Park (hereinafter referred to as Shimen) of Conghua district in Guangzhou. Field investigation and statistical analysis were conducted to analyze the negative oxygen ion concentration and meteorological data of Shimen subtropical monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest for 10 consecutive months from July 2018 to April 2019. According to the result,the concentration of negative oxygen ions in Shimen subtropical monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest was generally high in spring and summer and low in autumn and winter. The highest was 5 136 N?cm-3 in July and the lowest was 1 372 N?cm-3 in February.The level of negative oxygen ions concentration is all at level 6 or above, with level 8 accounting for 80%. The level of air quality is all at level 3 or above, with level 1 accounting for 80%.The correlation between the concentration of negative oxygen ions and temperature shows obvious seasonal changes. The concentration of negative oxygen ions is positively correlated with temperature in spring and summer, while the concentration of negative oxygen ions is negatively correlated with temperature in autumn and winter.It is negatively correlated with relative humidity and oxygen content. In general, it is negatively correlated with wind speed.However,in summer, the concentration of negative oxygen ions is positively correlated with the wind speed. Negative oxygen ions in Shimen subtropical monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest is very beneficial to human health.
Key words:   negative oxygen ions;meteorological factors;forest